
Computer class 10 chapter 1 summary || computer class 10 introduction to programming

• Computers need to be fed a series of instructions by humans which tell them how to perform a particular task. These series of instructions are known as a computer program or software.

• The process of feeding or storing the instructions in the computer known as computer programming and the person who knows how to write a computer program correctly is known as a programmer.

• Computer programs are written in languages called programming languages Some commonly known programming languages are

Java, C.C++ Python.

• A collection of all the necessary tools for programming makes up a programming environment Programming environment provides us the basic platform to write and execute programs.

• A software that provides a programming environment which facilitates the programmer in writing and executing computer programs is known as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

• A text editor is a software that allows programmers to write and edit computer programs. All IDEs have their own specific editors.

• A compiler is a software that is responsible for conversion of a computer program written in some programming language to machine language code.

• Every programming language has some primitive building blocks and follows some grammar rules known as its syntax.

• Every programming language has a list of words that are predefined Each word has its specific meaning already known to the compiler These words are known as reserved words or keywords.

• A program is divided into three parts Header section is the par where header files are included. Main section corresponds to the main function and the body of the main function includes everything enclosed in the curly braces.

• Comments are the statements that are ignored by the compiler and do not get executed. To include additional information about the program, comments can be used.

• Constants are the values that do not change. The three types of constants are integer constants, real constants and character constants.

• Variables is a name given to a memory location as the data is

physically stored inside the computer's memory. Each variable has a unique name or identifier by which we can refer to that variable, and an associated data type that describes the type of constant that can be stored in that variable.

• A variable must be declared before its use. Variable declaration includes specifying variable's data type and giving it a valid name.

• Assigning value to a variable for the first time is called variable initialization. The variable can be initialized at the time of declaration or after declaration.

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